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Sharing Our Experiences 2nd Symposium - 16 August 2017
Action Research on Naming and Writing Chemical formula in General Chemistry Course.pdf
Bridging the Gap Between Remedial and Regular Students through Cooperative Learning Approach.pdf
Enhancing and promoting the use of L2 in the classroom oral activities.docx
Improve oral presentation skills for biology student.pdf
Improving the delivery of oral presentation for the English in Use course students.pdf
The effect of “Speed Reading Skills on PPU Student Grades.pdf
Trouble in understanding loop control structure in computer programming C++.pdf
Weakness of Students Participation During the Course.pdf
اثر الزيارات العلمية على مستوى تحصيل الطلبة.docx
تطوير معرفة الطلبة باهمية استخدام منصة Google Classroom.docx
حل مشكلة صعوبة تخيل المساقط للمناظير الهندسية.pdf